=== About Me ===

Hi, I am Purplebored, o/ also known as Niko. Right now you are on my own little website which i call my home on the World Wide Web (I know i am so fancy.) I am not really that special. Like actually just normal stuff. I quite like making websites like this. And I am also somewhat of a privacy advocate. I am Speaking Polish and English but i am learning Russian. Regarding programing i currently only know basic HTML but i am planning to pick up a language soon!
From other stuff i also know some Linux! Mostly Arch and Debian based distros. Yet i am still using windows ;-(. (telling myself for over a year that i gonna switch lmfao)

=== Stuff I am self hosting: ===

My Private Pastebin instance (Very cool!)
My Private Zerobin instance (Privte Bin but older)
A LibreSpeed instance using a Polish server located in Warsaw.

=== My Projects ===

Currently nothing!

=== Cool Stuff ===

Some Articels / Posts i made.

=== My dead/old Projects ===

--neko.purplebored.pl - Well this was a very simple project mostly done for a friend and educational reasons. It took me around 30 minutes to create this. You can check it out Here!
--OG version of purplebored.pl - Well this was my very first public website. I still quite like it altough it was done with the help of AI and the code behind it is just a big mess. You can check it out Here!
--old.purplebored.pl - a 90s themed website that i created for fun! It even had a guestbook written in PHP which had to be disabled due to abuse. You can check it out Here! (It's my personal favorite btw.)
--pass.purplebored.pl - Well this was a simple Password generator. Just simple as that. I still quite like the desgin of it. Sadly it's just impractical to use. You can still check it out Here!
--cat.purplebored.pl - Well this was fully for fun an educational reasons. It was actually my first ever "project". Created it to learn how to use APIs. As always you can check it out Here!